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Late Hajji Abdus Salam

Founder and Chairman of Al-Rahman Mosque and Education Centre


Hajji Abdus Salam sadly passed away on 1 February 2020, at the age of 66 years.

As a loving father, and a revered community figure, Hajji Abdus Salam leaves behind a remarkable legacy.


Deeply religious, partnered with his calm and mild mannerisms, he was always able to seek the best in everyone. His positive outlook on life, his ability to offer his unconditional service, his advice and help enabled him to nurture a wonderful family life whilst simultaneously establishing himself as an integral member of his local community.


During an era when racial tensions were rife in Camden, communities were separated and isolated due to cultural and religious differences, Abdus Salam was able to overcome the unimaginable. He focussed his attention on building a beautiful mosque in Camden, with the sole purpose of providing a place of worship for the local community to congregate.


With full conviction in Allah (SWT) and faith he worked tirelessly to build Al-Rahman Mosque and Education Centre, bringing together many communities. Asian, African, Middle-eastern and European Muslims alike, a place of worship for all and a central hub for the local community.


He was an upstanding member of his community, both through the mosque and as a hard-working, charitable local businessman, many felt they could turn to Abdus Salam. A friend, a confidante, advisor and benefactor for so many.


Notably, his most coveted role remains as that of a loving father, husband and grandfather. A family man down to his core, his happiness was entrenched and most prevalent when around his family. Playful and young at heart, Abdus Salam was incredibly proud of his children.


A wonderful father, a caring friend and mentor, and as a principle community figure, he will be profoundly missed. His sons will now continue to honour his incredible work as Sadaqah Jaariyah.


May Allah (SWT) grant Abdus Salam Jannatul Firdous. Ameen.

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